Elected Board Member - Chairperson
I aho mai taku manu I te keo o Aoraki mataū.
Rere atu ia ki Waitakitaki awa noho ai tō Kāti Huirapa whaitua.
I reira kohikohi ai āna poa mo ōna marae, ko Waihao, ko Puketeraki, ko Arowhenua, ko Te Pā o Moki ērā.
Ko Kāi Tahu, ko Kāti Mamoe, Waitaha ōhoku iwi.
Ko Kāti Huirapa, Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki, Ngāti Irakehu ōhoku hapū.
Dardanelle was born and raised in Ōtautahi has a passion for whānau success. She has been actively involved from a young age with her hapū, being a participant, volunteer and trustee wherever tautoko is required. Dardanelle is passionate about rakatahi and whānau development. From a long line of servant leaders within the Waihao community, Dardanelle acknowledges that executive leadership of a rūnanga can be challenging, but it is also a position of privilege, which Dardanelle hopes the decisions of the executive board will continue to grow and nurture Waihao whānau.
In 2016 Dardanelle became a mama to Leila, who is named after her great-grandmother who grew up on the shores of Te Waihora. Leila is Dardanelle’s greatest achievement to date and she enjoys knowing that being actively engaged with Waihao will be another space Leila can learn and grow her Tahutanga and reo.
Elected Board Member - Deputy Chairperson
Ngāi Tahu / Ngāti Mamoe
Ngāi Te Ruahikihiki / Ngāi Taoka
Toa ( Winnie Brunton) née Huruhuru grew up on Māori Rd.
I’m a descendant of Chief Te Huruhuru.
Born in Oamaru, educated at Waitaki Girls High School.
Went through Māori Affairs Trade Training at Christchurch Polytechnic in Hairdressing.
Did a Hairdressing apprenticeship in Oamaru, then went to Auckland and did a film and television makeup course.
Started a Hairdressing business in Oamaru which I have been running for nearly 30 years.
Outside work, I have 2 big dogs that keep me fit and entertained, I love being outdoors in nature, I have a big garden with lots of native bird life. In 2016 I did a large native planting on the Alps to Ocean cycleway here in Oamaru which I maintain.
The business and people skills gained over many years will be an asset on the Board, I look forward to growing our footprint and future proofing our Marae for generations to come.
Elected Board Member
Appointed Board Member
Waitaki Awa, Waitaki Takata. Melissa is of Waitaha, Kāti Māmoe and Kāi Tahu descent, with her Waihao whakapapa coming downTe Kapa/Koukou and the Loper line, together with Pakinui and the Harpur line. Nanny Peti Scoringe (nee Loper) was born and raised on Māori Road. Uncle Jack Scoringe built our Waihao Wharenui. Her whānau left the takiwā some 6 generations ago, and moved to the North Island. Melissa remembers fondly the kōrero with her Nana Audrey Kershaw about their Māori whakapapa which sparked her curiosity to connect with her Kāi Tahu taha. Melissa studied at Waikato University (B.Soc Sci) and Massey University (M.Phil) and has spent all of her working career is a Resource Management Act Town Planner. Melissa has held a number of leadership and governance roles throughout this time, including a 6 year term on two school boards. She is a member of Te Ahi Tūtata Taumata - the Beca Māori Staff Governance group. This special opportunity to be on the Waihao Executive is an exciting one as our Rūnanga tackles significant challenges with legislative reform, climate change and affirming our tino rangatiratanga in the place of our tīpuna. The opportunities these present to our whānau are pivotal, mō tātou, ā, mō kā uri ā muri ake nei. Melissa currently lives in Kirikiroa with her partner Gavon, and their son Anake. Along with cultivating her māra kai, Melissa has set herself a wero to weave a kete a fortnight to progress her raranga skills, and is loving her Te Pūtaketanga o Te Reo immersion journey this year with Te Wānanga o Aotearoa.
Appointed Board Member
Sam was born and raised on the West Coast of the South Island, before moving to Otautahi Christchurch to attend the University of Canterbury. He is a Chartered Accountant and Chartered Director, and currently serves as a Christchurch City Councillor, where he Chairs the Finance Committee. Sam holds various board positions including as a Trustee of Development West Coast and a director of Christchurch City Holdings Limited.
Associate Board Member
Rūnanga Representative
Jo is of Waitaha, Kati Mamoe, Ngai Tahu and Te Atiawa descent. Jo has 5 tamariki and one moko. Jo has worked as a Union Organiser for the past 13 years for EPMU, E TU and know the TEU. Jo has the privilege of being the TRoNT Representative and has held that role for some 9 years. Jo has a BA in Sociology, a Masters in Maori and Indigenous Leadership and has almost completed a degree in Law. She has held a number of governance roles over the years and acknowledges she is still learning. She feels privileged to be able to be involved in the governance at Waihao and is seeking to develop both short-term opportunities for whanau through hui and wananga along with more long-term aspirations through economic development that will bring whanau back, create housing and education opportunities and see the Marae thriving.
Marae Komiti Member - Trustee Rep
Marae Komiti Member
Marae Komiti Member
Executive Officer
About this role:
• Key leadership position supporting the delivery of the strategic functions of the rūnanga
• Provide support to the Board
• Provide support to TRoW Holdings Ltd Board
• Work closely with the Audit and Risk Komiti
• Lead the delivery of marae operations
• Lead the Operations team
• Provide leadership in the Health, Safety, and Wellbeing space
• Grow influence and opportunities for Te Rūnanga o Waihao through relationships and partnerships with key Treaty Partners, Partnership entities, Stakeholders, TRoNT, and other Rūnanga
• Manage and oversee the operational budget and funding as well as risk and compliance
• Support Policy development and review
Project Co-ordinator/Executive Assistant
Marae Operations Manager
Mary joined the team in July 2015 and is based at the Waihao Marae Office, reporting to the Executive Officer.
Duties include:
• Overseeing maintenance and contractors.
• Managing assets and databases.
• Overseeing payroll, accounts, and budgeting.
• Managing the website and social media.
• Preparing and formatting policies.
• Overseeing marae bookings and records.
• Coordinating the annual report for the AGM
• Assisting other team members.
Penny joined the team in March 2019 and is based at the Waihao Marae Office, reporting to the Operations Manager.
Duties include:
• General office duties: correspondence, data entry, sourcing goods/services/supplies, other tasks as required.
• Corresponds with kaumātua and whānau, including birthday acknowledgements and hard copy information.
• Supports marae booking, registration, and grants processes, and on-site H&S.
• Compiles information for the weekly pānui.
• Assists whānau and greets visitors/whānau at the marae.