Komiti Member Appointments – Marae Komiti

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After receiving such great feedback from the whānau about the Marae Komiti, the Board and whānau considered several different options and decided to have a Komiti of four, made up of a Chair, a Marae Trustee Representative, and two whānau representatives. Our Upoko and Kai Karanga will act as advisors to the Komiti and may be called upon when needed.

We are now able to call for expressions of Interest in the following positions on our Marae Komiti:

  • Chairperson
  • Two Whānau representatives

They will each serve a term of three (3) years. Those who put their names forward will be expected to attend the Rūnanga AGM on 19 Oct either online or in-person to speak to their interest in serving on the Komiti. The whānau will elect those it chooses to serve on the Komiti.

We are seeking whānau members who have experience with some or all of the following:

  • A long-term relationship with Te Rūnanga o Waihao and some knowledge of its history.
  • Minute taking ability.
  • Computer skills and the creativity needed to develop flyers etc.
  • Sourcing funding and completing funding applications.
  • Chairperson experience and ability to lead a small team of committed whānau.
  • Event and organising skills and experience
  • Health and Safety
  • Budget Management

If this sounds like you, please send your expression of interest including a resume of the skills and experience you would bring to the Komiti and detailing the reason why you want to be a part of this Komiti. Please forward your expression of interest to [email protected] no later than 4pm on Friday 4 October 2024.

Please see the Terms of Reference for additional information, this available upon request.
Email [email protected]