Registration Form

Only whānau who blood descendant of the 1848 Kaumatua of Te Runanga o Waihao iwi can Register. Please complete either the electronic online registration form or download a copy of the form here PDF Version /Word Doc Version and return the form to the office via email or post. Once the office has received your forms and due process is undertaking you will be informed if your application has been accepted. (Parents or Guardians may sign or electronically send this application on behalf of minors)

Please list the 1848 kaumātua that you claim your Te Runanga o Waihao descent from. Attention is drawn to Sections 7, 8, & 13 of the “Te Rūnanga o Ngai Tahu Act 1996”, together with the 1848 list of Ngai Tahu Kaumātua (generally referred to as the Blue Book). Please note maiden names are required where applicable.


Whakapapa Registration Form

1Your Details
  • 1848 Kaumatua NameKaumatua NoFile No 
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